A theme on the margins of the #NATOSummit was worries over the potential reelection of President Trump.

Instead of hand-wringing about a second Trump term, Europe should adopt a more constructive approach, argues Nadia Schadlow.

@politico: https://www.politico.eu/article/europe-donald-trump-us-presidency-nato-summit-washington-bill-clinton-barack-obama-second-term-elections-2024/

#OTD , 84 years ago #US State Dept issued the #SumnerWelles Declaration condemning occupation of the Baltic states. Thank you to our close ally for standing firmly for freedom and independence - then and now. #InFreedomWeTrust

A firm principled🇺🇸policy that it will not recognize Soviet occupation of 🇪🇪🇱🇻🇱🇹n the #WellesDeclaration provided🕯️during 5 dark decades. The US must never recognize territorial aggression by Russia. Thank you @StateDept @Estonia_in_US @Latvia_USA @LTembassyUS @JBANCchatter

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