Become a

The lifeblood of the Baltic American Freedom League is its members. Members not only provide financial support, but communicate issues that are important to the Baltic countries so that BAFL can act on them. The membership of the Baltic American Freedom League consists of individual members and organizations.

All persons, firms, corporations, congregations or associations may become active voting members in the organization.

Members will receive the Baltic Bulletin and e updates on BAFL’s activities as well as news that affects the Baltic countries. Members can also sign up to receive email alerts and Baltic Blasts, which are used to communicate urgent action items, such as contacting your local representative on a matter pertaining to the Baltic countries.

Members are also encouraged to join BAFL’s Board of Directors. The Board meets once per month in Los Angeles and also during the annual meeting. The Board also actively communicates via email and conference calls. The Board is always looking for enthusiastic new members that want to assist the organization fulfill its mission.

BAFL is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization. Membership dues are deductible from federal income tax, according to appropriate provisions of the federal tax code.

Membership is not denied or abridged because of race, national origin, religion, sex, marital status, physical handicap or place of residence.