The Moscow Times reports (11/1/05) that a wealthy Swedish financier, Bjorn Carlosn, donated $63 million to a private foundation, administered by the Swedish Royal Academy of Science, the Worldwide Fund for nature. The funds will be used to fund research, experiments and scientific networks. “Through my donation, I expect to see concrete measures and results within 10 to 12 years, and not just investigations,” Carlson said.
The foundation will also create a “think tank” made up of researchers and scientists from the Baltic Sea area who will identify the main problems facing the Baltic and recommend concrete solutions, said Lars Kristoferson of the Worldwide Wildlife Fund.
The Baltic Sea, which is surrounded b Sweden, Finland, Poland Russia and the Baltic countries, “has suffered from heavy pollution and toxic algae in moodier times because of increased ship traffic and oil transports,” said Mr. Kristoferson. Researchers also note that the Sea has been depleted of its fish stocks, reports AP.