Nineteen candidate slates have registered to take part in the 9th Saeimas elections, with 1026 candidates filing to run for Deputy positions. Of all candidates registered, 757, or 73.8% are men and 269 or 26.2% are women. Fewer women have announced their candidacy this year, as compared to the two previous Saeimas elections. With regard to the 8th Saeimas election, women candidates constituted 28.9% of the total candidates, but in the 7th Saeimas election they constituted 26.6% of all deputy candidates.
A majority of the 9th Saeimas candidates hold degrees of higher education. Of all candidates, 838,or 81.7% hold college degrees while 187 or 18.2% have high school degrees. One candidate has grade school education.
Compared to earlier Saeimas elections, the educational level of candidates has remained constant. In the 8th Saeimas election, 81.6 % of deputy candidates held degrees of higher education, 18.5% held high school degrees, and one candidate had finished grade school.
In the 7th Saeimas election, 74.85 % candidates held degrees from institutions of higher education, 24. 8% had finished high school and one candidate had completed grade school.
The Deputy candidates slates are as follows: 1. Maras zeme (Mara’s Country), 2. Saskanas centrs (Consensus Party), 3. Dzimtene (Fatherland), 4, Visu Latvijai (All for Latvia), 5. PCTVL (For Human Rights United Latvia Party) , 6. Eiroskeptiki (Eurosceptics), 7. ZZS (Green Party and Farmers Union), 8. Musu zeme (Our Country), 9. LPP/LC (Latvian People’s Party and Latvian Way), 10. LSDSP (Latvian Social Democrat Workers Party). 11. Tevzemes savieniba (Fatherland Association Party), 12. Nacionala speka savieniba (National Power Party), 13. Jaunie demokrati (Young Democrats), 14. Tautas partija (Peoples Party), 15, Jaunais laiks (New Era) 16, Latviesu Latvija (Latvia for Latvians), 17. Pensionaru un senioru Partija (Pensioner and Senior Citizens Party), 18. Sociala taisnigumu partija (Truth and Social Justice Party), and 19. TB/LNNK (For Fatherland and Freedom and Latvian National Independence Movement).
The 9th Saeimas elections will take place on October 7th.