We can only accomplish our efforts and goals through your generosity. On any given year, the investment we make into our critical efforts range from $50,000 to $100,000, or more. Your gifts help us to continue our battle and to help keep the Baltics free.
There are many ways you can help us to educate our communities, further our grassroots efforts, and help preserve the democracies of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania through your generous philanthropy by:
• Making your annual gift
• Creating a predictable income stream by becoming a monthly donor
• Making a gift of appreciated stock, bonds, or real estate
• Designating your Matching Gift through your company
• Making your gift from your annual IRA required minimum distribution (RMD)
For more information on how to make your gift of appreciated stock or real estate, how to direct our Matching Gift from your company, or to direct your RMD to BAFL, please contact our Board Member, Mike Andrulis (giving@BAFL.com, 310.569.0351).
Donations by Mail
Please mail your checks payable to “Baltic American Freedom League” to:
Baltic American Freedom League
PO Box 65056
Los Angeles, CA 90065-3561
The Baltic American Freedom League, BAFL, is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) registered charity with the IRS. Our employee dentification number (EIN) is: 95-3891693.
All donations to BAFL are tax-exempt as allowed by the law. Please contact your attorney or tax advisor.