Campaign to Secure Funding for RFE’s Baltic Services Needs Urgent Support!

The House Appropriations Committee failed last Wednesday to insert into next year’s budget the $8.9 million needed to ensure funding for RFE’s Baltic services. This is a second blow to the campaign to save RFE’s Baltic broadcasts after the House Subcommittee on CJSJ also failed to provide funding.

There is one more opportunity to insert this funding into the FY 2004 Budget: during the full House debate next week. Congressman John Shimkus is leading the charge to introduce an amendment that would secure the needed funding. So now is the time to call or fax a letter to your congressperson.

If you support the objective news and analysis about America and the world that RFE’s Baltic services provide to nearly one million listeners in the Baltics, PLEASE call your Congressmen ASAP and tell them:

“Lithuania/Latvia/Estonia need Radio Free Europe. Please ensure continued funding for Radio Free Europe’s Baltic broadcasts by supporting Congressman Shimkus’s amendment.”

IMPORTANT! If you’re a head of an organization, please send a fax or call your congressperson on behalf of your organization.

Phone calls and faxes to the Washsington office are most effective and reliable way to communicate with your congressperson.. See or for contact information for your member of Congress.